

You can contact us using the contact form below or send a message to:

We will be happy to help and we are waiting for any questions regarding the diving mask with individual correction.

We usually respond within one day.

Contact form

Offer available online only, we do not have a stationary point.

Workshop/mailing address:
optykTECH |
Szybowcowa 23
54-130 Wroclaw

InPost parcel locker: WRO24A
Jerzego Bajana 1
54-129 Wroclaw

Bank account number:
POLISH ZLOTY (PLN): PL51 1140 2004 0000 3202 8522 8041
EURO (€): LT163250023668543175 BIC/SWIFT: REVOLT21

NIP: PL8941999750
REGON: 522746066